Tuesday, January 14, 2025


If at bottom,
I am made 
of microscopic gods—

of quantum crowds 
who stormed this 

whose courage 
each day gives new birth
to my prowess 

and whose truth
is the grandeur 
of family resemblance—

wherefore this need 
to equivocate
to cling—

to come clean 
on an incommensurate swarm 
of behaviors—

to get (and stay) up close 
to the screen
and just scream? 

Monday, January 13, 2025


A leaden landscape 
in concrete and snow—

though the chill 
doesn't seem to 
pain you anymore

so much as 
the cruelty of that 
humorless echo's

quick slapping 
off the low, skinny sky 
from your boot soles—

as if hastening 
to let you know 

that everything 
you say and do

has been said 
and done at least 
once before.

Friday, January 10, 2025


The tyranny of January 
isn't showy—
it oppresses 

from the corners;
from molding drafts 
and stress cracks, 

its invisible diatribe 
needles our necks 
with insipid 

pricks of unrest—
less like 
some mythical

ice-tipped arrows 
than a wearisome  

begging for color, 
even from passing 

Thursday, January 9, 2025


Notice how we're 
more suspicious 

of nothingness 
than its opposite:

like those few 
blank pages at the end 
of a book, 

a spotless mind
is the rare exception, 

while prolix 
is common and brooks 
no correction; 

in sleep, we prefer 
the narrative 
of nightmares 

to the tomb 
of dreamless termination; 

and those awkward 
pauses in our deep

are thought to be 
wellsprings of hidden 

in the same way
the vastness 
of interstellar space 

is gouged 
by the arrow 
of time's direction. 

Wednesday, January 8, 2025


Perhaps it's for the best 
that some have had it 
with significance—

that they vastly 
prefer leisure 
and light refreshments 

to the terror of purport 
and the pity 
of acceptance—

that a few would even
sooner be escorted 
to their deaths,

like clouds lead 
by breezes past the edge 
of Earth's horizons, 

than square-off with
their neighbors, pitted
monitor to monitor

and armed with the facts 
from their own 
private newscasts. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2025


Once, to combat 
the loneliness 
of the present, 

we make-believed now 
and then 
were one place;

here and there 
blurred to pure 
pattern recognition, 

and all that we sought 
was the shine 
of one face. 

But soon, we grew curious 
and wandered out 
in the blankness,

and everything 
looked hauntingly 
the same in that forest 

as we tramped 
our way back toward 
that lost abstraction. 

Now, it's the end 
of another 
long evening; too dark 

to read the map, 
and we're at our 
most hollow—

so we're left 
with no choice 
but to pitch a new camp 

at this blip between
tomorrow and a past 
we can't correct. 

Monday, January 6, 2025


This moment, 
we are told, is everything 
you can notice 

that cannot be noticed 
in the last 
or next moment. And yet, 

the goal, they say, 
is to line up each
one perfectly, 

end to beginning, 
beginning to end—
and then 

peer through the hole 
at the center 
of all of them 

until you make out 
the blurred shape 
of a plan.