Thursday, March 13, 2025


I like to think 
I write things down 

so that others can see 
they're not alone 
in this mission, 

but truth 
be told, I use poems 
like friction—

to slow 
my roving mind 

with the scrape 
of repetition 

and to run interference 
on my snowy disposition 

with the heat 
from my body's conflicting 

Wednesday, March 12, 2025


Child of the wind, 
blown in fresh 
from Elysium, 

his fresh scar of red 
against the monochrome wreck 

is a real piece 
of cake for the hiker's 
eye to track, but 

to find himself here 
at the end of winter's dreck

might be dumb 
luck because he's 
just as shocked as you are.

Tuesday, March 11, 2025


In the clogged wings

limitless prototypes 
wait (since eternity) 

for just the right climax 
or inciting incident 

to flood and ply
the arch 

for all 
of half a minute. 


Every Earth-second 
yields 4.5 infants—
and yet, 

in physics, it's professed 
that the instant 
two bits hit each other 

all of their mystery 
is forthwith 

From their seats 
in the house, 

the audience 
bears witness 

to undying iterations 
of 1s and 0s 

piling as 
long cords, 

into fantastic shapes 
never seen before—

but that doesn't stop them 
from leaning to whisper 

their trite explanations 
of the metaphor. 

Monday, March 10, 2025


Something has always 
piqued my interest 

about single-
serve recipes, 
drying racks 

which house 
just one dish, 
and austere 

wooden tables 
with a solitary chair. 

How much less 
can one man stand?—
I shall know 

when I get there.
That endgame, 

perhaps, is a 
mortal stress, so 
it's a good thing 

I was built for this
and am dying to test 

just how 
much violence 
bachelorhood will bear. 

Friday, March 7, 2025


Everything that's coming 
had to come from 

that itself was once 
very close 
to nothing. 

What would it be like 
to be that first thing—

and humble, 

by another, and yet 

suddenly all 
at once, there 
to discover 

the nuts 
and bolts of loving, 

the long and short 
of leaving?


Ashes to ashes,
dust to dust, 

and in between, 
oneness (read: 

with experience. 


It's good, now
that things are beginning 
to stir all around me—

of dull bulbs, flickers 
of birds' wings—

that way, I don't 
have to be 
the one to sing;

I can be silent 
and still 
more profoundly.  

Thursday, March 6, 2025


In a less 
auspicious turn, 
I'm the Flesh 

made Word—
because I'm always attempting 
to be just the thing 

to spurn the unconscious 
and burst forth 
from your mouth—

because I long to degrade 
on the waves 
of midair ringing 

til I land like a seed 
in the mind 
of you interlocutor 

and bloom into 
the sweetness of a greater 

because I was built
to live forever, 
but I cannot bear the wait, 

and on a page, I can't stop 
leading, always leaning 
towards an answer—

and lastly, because 
I am never content 
to just be myself; 

I always 
have to mean 
something else,

whether or not 
I can mean something  

Wednesday, March 5, 2025


how loud the rusted
hinges of my heart 

still creak 
with the coming 

and going 
of your trust.