Wednesday, March 5, 2025


how loud the rusted
hinges of my heart 

still creak 
with the coming 

and going 
of your trust.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025


When I tell you 
I need understanding 

like a drug, 
it sounds degrading. 

the way you can't 
give me 
what I want 

is so hot. 


Which do you think 
is sexier? 

my neediness 

the way I pretend 
not to lie to you 
about it? 


In my experience...
you start to say,

because the truth 
is just not 

the party dress 
you're looking for—or 

because the truth 
is that the warm muzzle 

of authority 
pressing so 

firmly against you 
is soothing. 

Monday, March 3, 2025


It's possible that 
you and I exist 

not as 
a series of near-
infinite points, but 

more as as series 
of near 
hits and misses.

In both cases, 
some kind of
surveillance is involved—

some orienting 
spin somehow

the blind-alley waste 
of directionless space—

but in neither 
could you say 
we've mapped 

the lightning strike 
of being yet, 

even though 
we've been surveying 
all the right places.

Friday, February 28, 2025


Maybe we 
no longer need 
to have faith; 

the resurrection 
is ongoing—it happens

Everywhere you look, 
you see

and younger people

flirting and gibing 
and slanging in tongues, 

nonchalant about 
coming in late 
to replace you 

as they are 
about their inchoate 

to one day be 

Thursday, February 27, 2025


We are taught 
to want both 
peace and quiet, 

as if the two 
were mutually inclusive. 

But to what extent 
could the heavens be 

when the light 
in which all 
consciousness subsists 

was born hence 
by bombs of such 
merciless velocity? 

It may be soundless 
in space, yes—

and weightless too, 
in some sense—but 

the most crucial
to this very thought 

were loud, hot
none the less.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025


It's astounding 
the way all these still-
bare sycamores 

continue to bow 
and twist 
in crude wind—as if

calmly demurring
oh thanks, but 
no thank you

to winter's 
cringe last-ditch overtures.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025


It's possible that 
this whole time, we've been 
doing it wrong: 

searching for life 
as metabolites 

in the frozen oceans 
of Jupiter's moons 

when, in truth, 
it burns cleanest 
in the flame of our mistakes.

Our small losses 
accrete, and the travesty 
gains mass 

til it condenses 
and falls down
and puddles like rain 

in the sedimentary layers 
of rock-hard 
before and after. 

In fact, so rich is the vein
in the dirt 
beneath our feet 

that to say we could sort it 
and give it a name 

would defy any meaning 
or endeavor 
to explain.